Eating Well for Older People with Dementia

For too long weight loss and poor nutritional status have been seen as an inevitable consequence of dementia. Eating well for older people with Dementia challenges that view by showing how a healthy, balanced diet, firmly founded on variety and quality, can help significantly in promoting and implementing the health and quality of life of […]

Eating Well: Supporting Older People and Older People with Dementia w/CD-ROM

This report and CD Rom outline why eating good food matters for older people and makes suggestions of the types of food and amounts of food that may be appropriate for older people to meet their nutritional needs. Example menus, meals and snacks are outlined for those who can eat well, those who may require […]

The Nutrition Society establishes the APPG for Nutrition: Science and Health

The Nutrition Society has established The All Party Parliamentary Group for Nutrition: Science and Health, and, in its first year, The Nutrition Society is conducting an inquiry, including a call for evidence, in order to prepare a report for circulation to Members of Parliament this Spring/Summer. The Inquiry is titled ‘The Role of Nutrition as the New Preventative […]

2018 Caroline Walker Trust Lecture

Better care through improved nutrition  Venue Which? Head Office, 2 Marylebone Road, London NW1 4DF Tuesday, 9 October 2018 5pm to 7.45pm Speakers Dr Miranda Lomer – Reader in Dietetics at King’s College London and Senior Consultant Dietitian In Gastroenterology  Professor Jane Murphy – Professor of Nutrition at Bournemouth University  Dr Nicola Guess – Assistant Professor […]

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Donating With your support the Trust has really made a difference. With your support in the future we will be able to continue to fill the gaps in nutrition standards and promote debate in this area. Whether you make a donation, standing order or a legacy, you can help us to foster change in the [...]