Eating well for Adults: Balanced Meals Photo Resource

This photo resource is versatile, culturally appropriate, value for money and can easily be adapted for your own needs. It contains a folder of PowerPoint files with photos and notes of various meals (breakfast, lunch and main meals, including vegetarian), snacks and desserts, as well as a Word document file containing over 100 recipes (for many of the dishes in the photos). Suggestions for use: -Patient education groups to illustrate normal eating for adults with Eating Disorders to help normalise their eating (photos without the notes recommended) -Adults with Mental Health problems to help with cooking skills, simple meal ideas and education on balanced diets -Healthy meal ideas for catering outlets, such as Workplace canteens & youth clubs -General public health events, such as Workplace health fairs as the photos can be transformed into A4 size posters -Healthy recipe ideas for cookery classes for adults and young people

NB The file for this resource is too large to be made available as a download.

You can order a CD ROM version by emailing us at

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